Sunday, January 25, 2009

You might be yeshivish

*If one of your wife's shaitels cost more than both ofyour cars...You Might Be Yeshivish!

*If you mow the lawn wearing a black wool suit...You Might Be Yeshivish!

*If you let your eight-year-old babysit for her five younger siblings...You Might Be Yeshivish!

*If you consider chulent a basic food group...You Might Be Yeshivish!

*If you read about a "Rabbi Emeritus" and think he must come from Greece...You Might Be Yeshivish!

*If you use words like "davka", "mamish", and "skoiach" in every conversation, even when talking to your maid or the checkout clerk...You Might Be Yeshivish!

*If you're intimately familiar with which Paskez treats can be bought with food stamps...You Might Be Yeshivish!

*If you visit Loehman's Back Room before every Yom Tov...You Might Be Yeshivish!

*If you think "parve" is an official ice cream flavor...You Might Be Yeshivish!

*If your grandchildren are older than some of your children...You Might Be Yeshivish!

*If you had to got engaged after three dates because there are only three airports in the NY area...You Might Be Yeshivish!

*If you go to a wedding with your wife and only see one another for the car ride there and back...
You Might Be Yeshivish!

*If you think "schmorgasbord" is a yiddish word...You Might Be Yeshivish!

*If the school bus breaks down and they ask to borrow your van...You Might Be Yeshivish!

*If your wife's clothing choices are not affected by seasonal changes...You Might Be Yeshivish!

*If "kugel making" is the primary female right of passage for your daughters...You Might Be Yeshivish!

*If you want to go fishing on vacation so you can catch your own gefilte...You Might Be Yeshivish!

*If your wife keep her wigs on the dresser and your TV in the clothes closet...You Might Be Yeshivish!

*If your wife enclosed cooking assignments with your son's bar mitzvah invitations...You Might Be Yeshivish!

*If you heard about this article but can't read it because the internet was ossered...You Might Be Yeshivish!!!

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