Friday, March 13, 2009

Travel vocab

“Old world charm” really means “Private room but public bathroom.”

“Tropical” really means “It’s going to rain … a lot …”

“Majestic setting” really means “An obscenely long way from town at end of dirt road.”

“Options galore” really means “Bring LOTS of extra cash.”

“Secluded hideaway” really means “You will get lost … a lot …”

“Knowledgeable trip hosts” really means “They've driven a car at least once.”

“No extra fees” really means “No extras.”

“Nominal fee” really means “Outrageous charge.”

“Standard” really means “Sub-standard.”

“Deluxe” really means “Standard.”

“Superior accommodations” really means “Private bathroom.”

“All the amenities” really means “Private Bathroom with a shower cap.”

“Gentle breezes” really means “Hang on.”

“Light and airy” really means “No air conditioning.”

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